Sunday, January 30, 2011

Letters of love~

So here we go with another project!  This one although is once again not a Christmas project but one my husband picked out for my son so I thought I would move it towards the top of the list.  I

I bought my letters at Hobby Lobby along with my stationary paper and my paint and the mod podge....yeah I spend a lot of time in there.

The stationary that we choose for Tanner was all related to him as a person.  He is very involved in sports hence the baseball, basketball and football pages.  He has also been playing the drums for several years and loves to hunt which encompasses the other three pages.

I took my letters first and painted them completely with black paint, do ONE SIDE AT A TIME.  I didn't on the first one and I got some weird looks swinging that T above my head trying to dry it so I could set it back down.

Such pretty letters all in a row and behaving themselves quite nicely.

Once they are dry you just need to trace the letters on the back of the stationary and cut them out.

Once they are cut out I simply glued them them onto the letters.

I showed them once they were complete to my husband and asked about the Mod Podge because I really liked the non-glossy look of them. He agree that he did not was them shiny. What is your opinon on this should I get a matte finish and do them anyway or just leave them as they are?  Tanner really liked them as did I now we just need a place to hang them.

1 comment:

Dana said...

I think I would get the matte modge podge and coat them. Paper/glue is highy affected by changes in temperature and humidity. They might start peeling. It would add an extra layer of protection and make them for quite a while.